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    april days 2008 sightings    



apr days
• color
concept &
theory widgets and apps

mar days
• red:
a portrait of a artist rothko

feb days
• talking
heads as figure/ground

jan days
• tanja's
black light dance party


dec days
• tootsie roll pop wrappers colors & flavors

nov days
• stephen vitiello's four color sound

oct days
• atmospheric perspective

sept days
• a rainbow
of antioxidants

aug days
• floor stain colorants

jul days
• minimal colors

jun days
• wildflowers cataloged by color

may days
• tennis court colors

apr days
• morandi's neutral colors

mar days
• grid colorists

feb days
• black as
film noir

jan days
• flood of toxic minerals used in paints


dec days
• complementary

nov days
• kettle korn
packaging color change

oct days
• green fluorescent protein

sept days
• red palms - not green

aug days
• blue tunes

jul days
blue - textile museum

jun days
• “fiesta- ware”

may days
• “blue alchemy” hive gallery

apr days
• “sennelier” selecting
watercolours for travel





“sennelier” selecting
watercolours for travel

Aquarelle Extra-Fine Watercolours
Z.I. 2, rue Lamarck - BP 204
22 002 St-Brieuc Cedex

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The Sennelier Aquarelle Watercolour set comes with 30 watercolour pans – too many colors and too heavy for convenient portability.

LINK to Sennelier Aquarelle



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Setting up Sennelier watercolor travel set

The challenge was to select 12 colors from a 20 colour set of watercolours for my Portugal/Spain painting travel kit.


The first 6 colors selected were easily decided: the primary (red, yellow, blue) and secondary (orange, green, violet) colors. All the other paint colors had to be tested.

Seeing these colors within pans does not reveal their true color quality and level of transparency. Follow link to see the process: LINK



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Deselecting watercolor pans

As I tested each color, I marked the colors from the list. while following this procedure, I realized the colors were not in numerical order but rather setup from warm to cool.



This method of selecting colors was easy to figure out until I had to decide on the neutral colors. I relied on the Sennelier Chart for this sequence.

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Sennelier Chart

LINK to Sennelier sample chart:



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rejected colors

These were the 10 colors rejected colors: some too transparent or could readily be made from other colors or were mighty similar to a color I had selected.



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testing out the colors one by one
