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    march days 2009 sightings  



apr days
• color
concept &
theory widgets and apps

mar days
• red:
a portrait of a artist rothko

feb days
• talking
heads as figure/ground

jan days
• tanja's
black light dance party


dec days
• tootsie roll pop wrappers colors & flavors

nov days
• stephen vitiello's four color sound

oct days
• atmospheric perspective

sept days
• a rainbow
of antioxidants

aug days
• floor stain colorants

jul days
• minimal colors

jun days
• wildflowers cataloged by color

may days
• tennis court colors

apr days
• morandi's neutral colors

mar days
• grid colorists

feb days
• black as
film noir

jan days
• flood of toxic minerals used in paints


dec days
• comple-mentary

nov days
• kettle korn
packaging color change

oct days
• green fluorescent protein

sept days
• red palms - not green

aug days
• blue tunes

jul days
blue - textile museum

jun days
• “fiesta- ware”

may days
• “blue alchemy” hive gallery

apr days
• “sennelier” selecting
watercolours for travel




color grids and systems

March-days will explore color grids by highlighting selected color grid systems and those artists and art movements that were the proponents of color systems.

The inspiration for the March-days' topic
Joanie Cooke's Color Grid Painting.

Bauhaus artist and instructor, Joseph Albers, is top on the list for developing the pedagogical concepts of color theory that has become the foundation of most color theory courses taught in european and US college and universities.

Josef Albers
Homage to the Square


And for animated Albers, go to Intervals and Transformations:


Josef Albers
Homage to the Square

These paintings investigated the retinal effects of color. He published the results of this systematic research in a volume called, the Interaction of Color in 1963. Albers used nested squares to investigate color interaction.


  Johannes Itten
Kunst der Farbe
(Art of the Color)

      Paul Klee
Southern Gardens
India Ink on Paper
Museum of Modern Art, NY
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