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    november days 2008 sightings    



apr days
• color
concept &
theory widgets and apps

mar days
• red:
a portrait of a artist rothko

feb days
• talking
heads as figure/ground

jan days
• tanja's
black light dance party


dec days
• tootsie roll pop wrappers colors & flavors

nov days
• stephen vitiello's four color sound

oct days
• atmospheric perspective

sept days
• a rainbow
of antioxidants

aug days
• floor stain colorants

jul days
• minimal colors

jun days
• wildflowers cataloged by color

may days
• tennis court colors

apr days
• morandi's neutral colors

mar days
• grid colorists

feb days
• black as
film noir

jan days
• flood of toxic minerals used in paints


dec days
• comple-mentary

nov days
• kettle korn
packaging color change

oct days
• green fluorescent protein

sept days
• red palms - not green

aug days
• blue tunes

jul days
blue - textile museum

jun days
• “fiesta- ware”

may days
• “blue alchemy” hive gallery

apr days
• “sennelier” selecting
watercolours for travel






kettle korn packaging
color change

Upon seeing 2 different packaging for bags of Trader Joe's Kettle Corn, I figured they were 2 different products: salt and no salt or cane sugar and artificial sugar. To find out I checked out the ingredients: popcorn, sunflower, oil, sugar, salt. Both products were exactly the same.

On the way out of the store, I asked the young women checker, “Why do you suppose these 2 bags are packaged differently?” Her answer, “I think they ran out of yellow ink.”

On another visit to the store, I asked the manager the same question. His answer, “The printers are just using a different color.”

My next step is to ask TJ headquarters. I'll be interested in knowing if this is a marketing decision or a printing error.

More to come. And is yellow the missing color?- crb

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