home coloraday ARCHIVE 2010 jun days • french & american recycled colored plastic apr days • color concept & theory widgets and apps mar days • red: a portrait of a artist rothko feb days • talking heads as figure/ground jan days • tanja's black light dance party ARCHIVE 2009 dec days • tootsie roll pop wrappers colors & flavors nov days • stephen vitiello's four color sound oct days • atmospheric perspective sept days • a rainbow of antioxidants colors aug days • floor stain colorants jul days • minimal colors jun days • wildflowers cataloged by color may days • tennis court colors apr days • morandi's neutral colors mar days • grid colorists feb days • black as film noir jan days • flood of toxic minerals used in paints ARCHIVE 2008 dec days • comple-mentary colors nov days • kettle korn packaging color change oct days • green fluorescent protein sept days • red palms - not green aug days • blue tunes jul days • “blue” - textile museum jun days • “fiesta- ware” colorants may days • “blue alchemy” hive gallery apr days • “sennelier” selecting watercolours for travel | | | | red palms - not green Red Palms International Palm Society Member Angela Blakely of Hawaii “Angela wrote, ‘Growing up in inland Southern California and seeing the same old landscape palms – Phoenix canariensis, Syagrus romanzoffiana, Washingtonia robusta – over and over again, I never paid much attention to the colors of palms. For me they were always green.1 1 Citation Palms Journal of the International Palm Society Vol. 52(3) Sept. 2008 image on left Chambeyronia macrocarpa Photograph by Angela Blakey |
| | | Red Palms Continued . . . International Palm Society Member Angela Blakely of Hawaii: When I later learned that C. macrocarpa was a red emergent leaf, my first response was disbelief! My second was, ‘Where can I get my hands on one?’ The red new leaf of C. macrocarpa was a revelation. From the moment I laid eyes on that red leaf I was transformed into an enthusiast.”1 1 Citation Palms Journal of the International Palm Society Vol. 52(3) Sept. 2008 image on left Calyptrocalyx lauderbachianus Photograph by Angela Blakey |